devjani 7th August 2021

Dearest Rohini, I'm going to miss bumping into you di. We weren't the closest of friends and we never planned our meetups... But I always thought we shared a weird bond... I don't know if it had anything to do with us being PYEC Bengalis or just two people with polar opposite moods (you chirpy bubbly and positive & me , well, the moody Grouch that I could sometimes be)... I will always remember the way you would nudge me into a smile, with your amusement of stories and I still can't fathom how you talked me into doing zumba with two left feet... :) ...But I'm grateful I got to experience all of those moments with you, including the day I pretended to scratch your shiny new car in multiple ways much to your horror and Malu's amusement... I'm going to miss bugging you di... There's never been a dull moment with you kid.. and I hope you liven up the party wherever you journey to next. I will miss you.